Tuesday, April 8, 2014

School Spirit Week

Theme: Nerds--1st place

Hobo Day: Caitlin took 1st place

Cowboy or Indian day--1st place (even took Brownie to school)
Also did Sports day which the girls wore some Titans and some Soccer clothes. Brittany took 3rd place on school colors day. It was a great week of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Caitlin, you didn't need a cracklin' fire and can of beans to look the part. Nice job, honey.
    Brit, I think you are the cutest red-headed hobo I've ever seen. Uncle Daniel, on the other hand, didn't look cute, but he sure did look funny.
    Congrats the Wright Royal Costume and Design Company ......you guys have some creative juices flowing!


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