Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Brittany caught the flu from one of her classmates.  That then started the sharing experience at our house.  Everyone ended up with it except for Caitlin.  Sarah got it so bad she passed out and got a concussion from hitting her head.  Scott got it so bad it turned into pneumonia.
This was taken after a day.  It got much worse before it got better.
Funny Story: Sarah was taken to the ER by her dad Jim.  Then he did the ER trip with Scott.  The next morning we called him and he knowing Sammy had a HIGH fever (104.7 at the highest point) he answered the phone like this "I'm grabbing my keys and on the way over ... who needs to go to the ER now?" 

1 comment:

  1. So thankful not any worse and that entire week is in the rearview mirror.


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