Monday, November 5, 2012

Caitlin is about to leave for several days for her school's Jr. Convention in which she will be competing in 12 different categories
1 - 2) Singing: Duet (Our Prayer) and Large Ensemble (Goliath)
3 - 6)  Athletics: Volleyball; Soccer Kick; Chess; and Checkers
7) Crafts: Sewing (She made a skirt)

8 - 9) Photography: a color scenic and a computer enhanced photo (here are the actual pics along with a pic of one already matted)

10) Instrumental: Piano Solo (Jesus Loves Even Me)
11) Social Studies Presentation: Money of the World (Currency display along with an interactive game putting bills on the map)

12) Skit: Gossiping

We're going to go out to watch / visit with her one of the days.  Should be lots of fun!!!  Please pray she does well and has lots of fun and her heart is touched by the guest speaker (our youth pastor from our church).

1 comment:

  1. Caitlin, you are SUPER COOL and did some fantastic projects. Grandpa Ken and I are SO PROUD of you girl.
    Love GRandma


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