Last Saturday, we went to the Highland Village Red, White, and Blue festival. In the morning time, Caitlin, Daddy, and Grandad went fishing.
Caitlin caught the first fish.
Scott then got on a role and added 7 more fish to the pile.
Brittany just enjoyed laying back in her chair, taking it all in.
Here is Caitlin's fish trying to make an escape back to freedom.
Even though Caitlin only caught one fish, it was the biggest fish for her age category and much bigger than any of Scott's fish. She won a trophy and a new fishing pole with a small tackle box.
Then the cooking began (the squeamish should not look at the following pics).
Here is Grandad's lesson on how to fillet fish.
(I think Scott had the most fun of all!)
Scott grilled it and Grandmom came and ate fish too. It was delicious.
We ended the evening with fireworks. Brittany loved them and just kept pointing and saying "That's Big".