Thursday, May 28, 2009

Summer fun!!!

Thanks Grandma for sending the girls shopping for new sunglasses.
Scott started setting up a pool that was also given to us by Grandma and Taylor about two years ago. We set it up and filled it with water for the rest of the day. Over the next three days, we discovered that it had a small leak. The problem was, how to find the leak. After researching several more expensive options, Scott opted for making his own snorkel and going under water to have a look.
Much to my skepticism, he actually found it. At least one definite leak, and several other possible leaks. After patching all of them, it seems to be working great!
Caitlin had her own snorkel lesson.
Brittany is not to sure about the pool, so here is where she spent most of the time, but I'm sure there will be more pool pictures this summer.
Caitlin also discovered the joy of jumping into the pool.
Wet feet...
wet slide...

We know which parent is the culprit when we have our first ER visit.


  1. So sorry about the holes in the pool, but it was really a disquised test for Scott to try out his underwater skills.
    I really don't think there could be two cuter Texas girls looking sooo coool in new shades.
    Grandma Ann

  2. So sorry about the leaks, but it was really a disquised mission to test Scott's underwater skills.
    I don't think there could be two cuter Texas girls looking sooo cooool in new shades!
    Luv ya bunches.
    Sarah, thanks sooo much for doing these blogs and keeping us connected with the family happenings.
    We miss all of you!


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