Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Vacation Part 4

On the way home, we stopped for a tour of a chocolate factory in Joplin, Missouri.

Our tour guide showed us a 10 1b bar of chocolate that they then melt into molds and other things.

This was a sugar-free white chocolate that they were melting in one of their "small pots" that hold up to 50lbs. Their large pots can hold up to 150lbs.
Yummy for my tummy!

They were preparing for Easter. Each worker has different quotas that they have to fill/make each day. The guide said no matter how much they make, it will all be gone.

First, they add the colored chocolate to the mold. After it hardens, they fill the rest of the mold with regular chocolate to create fun designs.

Each of the girls picked their own piece of chocolate.

The best part of all is arriving at home to be able to eat the chocolate. Yum!!!

1 comment:

  1. My sweets eating sweets - what a picture for me and what a sugar high for them...gosh, Mom and Dad are brave.


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