Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Brittany's Piano Recital 3/15/14

Sammy having fun

Turbevilles came to visit 4/2/14

Even talked Deanna into trying on a uniform!

Best friends forever!!!

Only Scott

Only Scott would try to drive this to the dump. He looked like a tree driving down the road, almost hitting telephone wire when the wind would blow the tree straight up.

School Spirit Week

Theme: Nerds--1st place

Hobo Day: Caitlin took 1st place

Cowboy or Indian day--1st place (even took Brownie to school)
Also did Sports day which the girls wore some Titans and some Soccer clothes. Brittany took 3rd place on school colors day. It was a great week of fun!

Misc. Pictures of the boys outside!

  2/18/14 Nate's first time on the trampoline

Sammy jumps and Nate flies. The higher Nate flies, the harder he laughs. It is hard to hear the laughter in the video but Nate loved it.

Niate and Sammy at McDonald's slide

Sammy loves to play in the dirt at all of the girls' soccer games.