Only Scott would try to drive this to the dump. He looked like a tree driving down the road, almost hitting telephone wire when the wind would blow the tree straight up.
Cowboy or Indian day--1st place (even took Brownie to school)
Also did Sports day which the girls wore some Titans and some Soccer clothes. Brittany took 3rd place on school colors day. It was a great week of fun!
I have a wonderful husband Scott, and four children, Caitlin, Brittany, Samuel, and Nathanael. God has really blessed by allowing me to stay home with my kids. I love being a part of the same church that I grew up in, and I love that God is giving my kids that same opportunity.
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever. I Chronicles 16:34
Brittany Faith
Samuel James
Our Family
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